What our customers are saying

Jordan - Freelancer

“GetProspects.co is the service I’ve been searching for for a long time. The leads coming in are matching my exact set of criteria perfectly and I couldn’t be happier!”

Alex Bush – Founder and Product Engineer

“Four days from the first cold email to a $5k+ contract.”

Grant Cole - Solopreneur

"The leads you’ve got are perfect. Results have been great. Been having good conversations with the relevant contacts. Your emails are creating some great opportunities."

Adam - CEO & Founder

"Out of 20 attorneys I cold emailed, 5 turned into sales opportunities, and 2 turned into paying clients. So pretty amazing."

Jennifer Baum - Publisher and Editorial Director

"The Get Prospects team provided excellent research – I was able to connect with people quickly and easily without wasting hours searching for contact information."

Start-Up Entrepreneur

"GetProspects.co did a great job and exposed us to a wealth of information we didn’t know existed. For a start-up with a very small budget, his work was invaluable."

Eric - Freelancer

"Love the list. Have been able to get some good meetings with potential clients. Currently in the proposal phase with one of the companies and hope we can close this deal soon."

Jane - Copywriter

"I made $900 in the first month using the startup list. So I'm definitely happy."

What our customers are saying

Jordan - Freelancer

“GetProspects.co is the service I’ve been searching for for a long time. The leads coming in are matching my exact set of criteria perfectly and I couldn’t be happier!”

Alex Bush – Founder and Product Engineer

“Four days from the first cold email to a $5k+ contract.”

Grant Cole - Solopreneur

"The leads you’ve got are perfect. Results have been great. Been having good conversations with the relevant contacts. Your emails are creating some great opportunities."

Adam - CEO & Founder

"Out of 20 attorneys I cold emailed, 5 turned into sales opportunities, and 2 turned into paying clients. So pretty amazing."

Jennifer Baum - Publisher and Editorial Director

"The Get Prospects team provided excellent research – I was able to connect with people quickly and easily without wasting hours searching for contact information."

Start-Up Entrepreneur

"GetProspects.co did a great job and exposed us to a wealth of information we didn’t know existed. For a start-up with a very small budget, his work was invaluable."

Eric - Freelancer

"Love the list. Have been able to get some good meetings with potential clients. Currently in the proposal phase with one of the companies and hope we can close this deal soon."

Jane - Copywriter

"I made $900 in the first month using the startup list. So I'm definitely happy."

Success Stories

SmartCloud.io received 100 fresh new leads and made a sale in the first month of using GetProspects.co

Alex Bush – Founder and Product Engineer at Smart Cloud, Inc.

Smart Cloud: A Need for Viable Prospects

Alex is the founder and project engineer for Smart Cloud, a small iOS software consultancy. The company was relying on word-of-mouth and referrals to gain clients but that wasnʼt enough to get the volume of work they needed. In spite of being adept at software development, company leaders werenʼt well-versed in the marketing side of the business. Alex and his team had done some of their own research, but it was too time-consuming and took them away from the other important work they were doing. The team needed help.

Alex found Get Prospects in a blog post and turned to the company for the marketing support they badly needed.

How We Helped

Smart Cloud was targeting early-stage startups and entrepreneurs with a budget of at least $20,000 to spend on software development services. Most specifically, Smart Cloud wanted to find customers who wanted to build a minimum viable product (MVP) or iterate an existing iOS.

Using our targeted modeling, we rooted out 100 prospects that we knew would be interested in the services offered by Smart Cloud. After our initial consultation, we delivered that targeted list to Smart Cloud within a month. The prospect list included the company names, websites, contactsʼ full names and position titles, a verified email, a LinkedIn account link, and company details and notes.

The End Result

After receiving the list, Smart Cloud started getting new contracts in record time.

According to Alex, it was “four days from the first cold email to a $5K contract.”

For a small investment of $250 in our services, Smart Cloud got a return of more than $5,000 – a return on investment (ROI) of more than 1900 percent. And thatʼs not all. Other clients also asked for more information about Smart Cloudʼs services — meaning thereʼs a very good chance that Smart Cloud will make more sales from the prospect list in the near future.

Increase your future sales and opportunities today. Get your first Startup List!

Our Work

Digital Giants

Lead Generation – Content and Social Media Marketing


Lead Generation – eCommerce


Lead Generation – Outdated Websites

Federal International

Lead Generation – Manufacturing Companies

The Well

Lead Generation – Oil & Energy Companies


Market Research

Helix House

Lead Generation – Hotels


Lead Generation – Real Estate

Video Garage

Lead Generation + Email Outreach – Websites Without Explainer Videos

Jordan Lloyd

Lead Generation – Websites Without Videos

Crafting Hand

Lead Generation + Email Outreach – Recruitment Companies

Enemies List

Lead Generation – Services

Funnel Geek

Lead Generation – 50 Keywords Ranking

Virelle Consulting

Lead Generation – Companies Without HR

Effect Works

Lead Generation – New App’s

Alt Tab

Lead Generation – Startups With App’s

Pixel Bit

Lead Generation – Old, Non-responsive Websites

Smart Cloud

Lead Generation – Startups And App’s

Serious Fox

Lead Generation – Startups


Lead Generation – Companies Without Video Marketing

Ags Technologies

Lead Generation + Email Outreach – Outdated Websites


Lead Generation – 50 Keywords Ranking

Crush Campaigns

Lead Generation – Auto Dealerships

Scribe Consulting

Lead Generation – Companies With Anniversary


Lead Generation – Retailers

Kinetic Content

Lead Generation – Websites Without Blogging

This Is His

Lead Generation – Websites Without Explainer Videos

Analogic Networks

Lead Generation – Technology Startups

Charlene Boutin

Lead Generation – Digital Marketing Agencies

Live Long Digital

Lead Generation – Accounting Companies

Missi Systems

Lead Generation – Small Business


Lead Generation – Technology Startups